Hate Camp Accommodations
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
~ George Orwell | Animal Farm
Camp Life – A Reflection Of Communist Structure
Hate Camp has gone to extreme lengths to ensure that the accommodations for our campers properly reflect the reality of what they will experience when our communist vision is implemented worldwide. We have studied the former Soviet Union and its satellite states, China under Mao, North Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, and many more to ensure that we are implementing the very best from each of these regimes.
When each camper is signed up for Hate Camp, we run a full background check on the camper, their family, the family’s net worth, connections, and overall dedication to the advancement of our Utopian socialist/communist vision for the planet. Campers are then assigned to their respective program and accommodations.
All accommodations are fully wired for CCTV, so we can monitor our Hate Campers at all times, and have video of any activities that will provide us with further control of our campers when they go out into the world to advance our cause. Only select elite leader campers can be exempted from CCTV monitoring via written application to the camp director/supreme leader and approval by the camp director and ruling council.
Elite Leader Accommodations
Hate Camp elite leader accommodations are truly fit for the ruling elite. Managing society in a rigid top-down structure can be demanding, and we know our elite leaders require much more than their lower-tiered comrades. To this end, we have built luxury cabins for our elite leaders.
Our elite leader luxury cabins each have two bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, a full kitchen, a spacious living room with a 50″ flat screen TV and surround sound / whole cabin audio system, and an outside patio for entertaining. Elite leader cabins also come standard with a private butler/cook, maid service, stocked refrigerator, high-speed internet, cable TV from around the world, and full-time armed security.
All elite leaders are paired up with another elite leader they will share accommodations with through a rigorous human review of their skills, background, family connections, and chosen field of impact. These reviews are handled by the camp director himself and through committee recommendations of elite leader staff members.
Elite leaders also have 24/7 access to the gourmet dining room, lounge, fitness center & health spa, personal trainers, masseuses, and top physicians ready to address even the smallest malady.
Elite Accommodations Gallery
Bureaucrat Accommodations
Hate Camp.com bureaucrat leader accommodations are designed to provide ample comfort and services to our trusted administrators, mid-level media personalities, and academics. To this end, we have built comfortable cabins and apartments for our bureaucrat leaders.
Our bureaucrat leader cabins and apartments have 2 – 3 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms, a kitchenette, a comfortable living room, and either a patio or balcony/terrace for entertaining. Bureaucrat leader accommodations also come standard with daily housekeeping service, a stocked bar, semi-censored internet & cable TV, and full-time security.
Our bureaucrat leaders are paired up two to a room based on their selected field of impact, with each cabin or apartment focused on specific aspects of the bureaucratic process. Pairing and reviews of our bureaucratic leaders are performed by a combination of artificial intelligence, and human review to ensure we have matched everyone according to their ability and fields of impact.
Bureaucrat leaders also have daily access to the cafeteria, bureaucrat-level lounge, basic fitness center, and health center.
Bureaucrat Accommodations Gallery
Useful Idiot Accommodations
Hate Camp accommodations for our useful idiots are broken up into three categories: POC & Allies housing, White Guilt housing [Whites and Asians], and Militant housing. The useful idiot accommodations provide sufficient amenities for our Hate Campers to survive.
Useful idiots are warehoused in large sleeping halls lined with bunk beds, personal lockers, and shared lavatories and showers. Basic necessities are provided, like soap, shampoo, and feminine hygiene products via dispensers/vending machines. Useful idiot Hate Campers are also provided with one set of sheets, pillow, and pillow case that they are allowed to hand wash once per week during their free time.
Useful idiots are provided with fully censored wifi internet and cable TV during scheduled hours throughout the day. Internet is limited to CNN, ABC News, CBS News, The Young Turks videos, and a filtered channel list on YouTube. Cable TV is limited to the same news broadcasts as internet service, plus videos of recorded speeches by Castro, Mao, Stalin, Chavez, and other prolific socialists and communists throughout history.
Useful idiot meals are served in the main cafeteria after the bureaucrats have eaten. Hate Campers in the POC & Allies sleeping halls can get into the cafeteria line first, with White Guilt and Militants allowed into line once all POC & Allies have received their rations. Useful idiots must sit at their assigned tables, with their program comrades [POC, White Guilt, Militants]. useful idiots also have access to the health center between 1 pm – 1:15 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Hate Campers in the POC & Allies sleeping halls are afforded additional perks over White Guilt Hate Campers. POC & Allies will be provided additional rations in the cafeteria and held to a different standard in disciplinary matters and academic achievement scoring. Hate Campers in the White Guilt sleeping halls can be moved up to the POC & Allies sleeping hall if they have demonstrated they truly are self-loathers and willing to be blamed for any ills or problems that occur in the POC & allies sleeping hall.